September 14, 2009

Wake up America!!

I'm really astonished that the only place to get accurate news is from the UK.

This is the headline from the Daily Mail in London:

A million march to US Capitol to protest against 'Obama the socialist'
By David GardnerLast updated at 6:59 AM on 14th September 2009

As many as one million people flooded into Washington for a massive rally organised by conservatives claiming that President Obama is driving America towards socialism.

The size of the crowd - by far the biggest protest since the president took office in January - shocked the White House.

Demonstrators massed outside Capitol Hill after marching down Pennsylvania Avenue waving placards and chanting 'Enough, enough'.

Read more:

The main stream media has failed us. I did not see one story about this other than on Fox. Even if it was only 50,000 people (which is what others are now estimating) every news organization should have had someone reporting. Not to mention, where the hell is the coverage on th ACORN scandal? Why isn't there a full on investigation and audit of that organization. How may other illegal businesses have they helped with my tax dollars?

I have to agree with Glenn Beck - the paradigm is shifting and we are taking back this county. I pray that it is peaceful and swift.

I'm Just Saying . . .

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